Jewels Star Saga

Jewels Star Saga is an evolution of Jewels & Gems, both of which I worked on during my internship at Snakehead Games. For the majority of it's development I was the only person working on this title, meaning that I was responsible for all of the game's design and unique code up until the final couple weeks of development. This meant writing a design document, creating and balancing the games' levels, adjusting gameplay to accommodate differences between the games, implementing the games' achievements and leaderboards, etc. I am particularly proud of the simulator that I wrote to help me balance the games' levels, the level loading system (which populates levels by reading a 9x9 bitmap), and implementing the games' "daily quest" system.

This project was interesting primarily because of how much of it was on me. Programming wise I learned a lot about interacting with the mobile device to get date information and keep track of achievements and such. Moreso than that though, I just learned a lot about using Google Play and iTunes to manage a game submission, and what it's like to try and balance a game that isn't as number driven as say, an RPG.

The simulator I wrote can be found here.

Jewels Star Saga can be found on Google Play.
and iOS